University of Edinburgh 2018
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- University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
- Old Medical School G.14
A Multimodal Analysis of a Hong Kong Traveller's Guide
Angus Cheng Ho Hei, Chinese University of Hong Kong - Old Medical School G.14
The phonology, morphology and semantics of Shilluk cattle nouns
Amy Martin, University of Edinburgh - Old Medical School G.14
An investigation into the existence of processing biases against lexical tone and sinoxenic writing systems
Rebekah Oakley, University of Southampton - Old Medical School G.14
English Language Acquisition in International schools
Saskia Rayner, York St John University - Old Medical School G.14
Being a dialect detective – how much can the numbers 1 to 10 tell us about where someone is from?
Matthew Sung, University of Edinburgh - Old Medical School G.14
The Causative Alternation in Bulgarian
Radina Dobreva, University of Manchester - Old Medical School G.14
Virtual Cambridge, a Virtual Reality language-learning app
Karolina Hes, University of Cambridge - Old Medical School G.14
Thinking in Gender: Language and Association
Maria Ples, Queen Mary University of London - Old Medical School G.14
“Talking without Talking” – Observations of Non-Verbal Communication when used as a Primary Mode of Communication in Non- Specialists
Oliver Rainford, University of Aberdeen - Old Medical School G.14
A corpus-assisted diachronic study on the attitudes of British Broadsheet Newspapers towards Hong Kong's handover to China
James Murray, Lancaster University - Old Medical School G.14
Namárië – to goodness of Tolkien’s Quenya in the Lord of the Ring’s score
Laura Sudhof, University of Aberdeen - Old Medical School G.14
What Uvular Rhotics Can Demonstrate About /r/
Griffith Tai, University of Edinburgh - Old Medical School G.14
“Welsh Not”: the role discrimination has played in the decline of the Welsh language in Wales
Anna Thomas, University of York - Old Medical School G.14
Definition and categorization of word class: identifying a word class error in Oxford Advanced Learners' Dictionary
Shentao Xie, Lancaster University