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"English 'that's gone through some weird Google Translate'": how do we (poorly) convince people Scots exists, decided which Scots is Scots (with much difficulty), and make the language-question (more) (ir)relevant for everyone involved?

I illustrate in this presentation that standardising Scots is a process tampered by issues and challenges related to (a) a frequent inability amongst folk linguists and language planners to decide how to select and codify a suitable orthography due to extensive and extant dialectal variation and Scots-Scottish English style-shifting, (b) no complete and popular understanding amongst Scots and Scots language speakers of what the language is due to the dominance of standard English, and (c) the lack of a prestige standard on which to base the new Scots standard, as would be expected for an established western vernacular in the modern age. We will also examine what is being said on social media in post-referendum Scotland, and discuss the way forward.