University of Edinburgh 2022
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- University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh

- –The Venue, Potterrow
We’re finishing off ULAB 2022 with a bang! Put your best dancing shoes on and come along for an evening of fun with music provided by the University of Edinburgh Folk Society Ceilidh band! - –40 George Square, Common Area
Center for Doctoral Training in NLP Lunch
We are very pleased to welcome the University of Edinburgh Centre for Doctoral Research in Natural Language Processing for a lunch and presentation. We will be joined by Dr Bjorn Ross and Professor Simon King as well as a few CDT in NLP students who will be giving a short talk and will be answering your questions about the programme.
Thank you to CDT for providing this lunch.
You can get in touch with the programme via email: [email protected] or via twitter: @Edin_CDT_NLP - –Teviot Study, Teviot Row House
Hundreds of years ago, a monumental social event changed the course of ULAB history. Stuck indoors, with nothing but primetime Dave© (other stations are available) television to watch, Cliodhna and Tom birthed an extraordinary idea: TaskmArtie. Based on the hit series “Taskmaster”, led by that headteacher from the Inbetweeners and some other bloke. TaskmArtie dares those brave enough to compete in a series of ULAB-, language-, and linguistics-themed challenges. While being the most fun you can possibly have ever, it also promises comedy, curiosity, and competition! It's the event of the year, not just the conference, so don't miss out! And, of course, we'd love to see you there! - –40 George Square, Lecture Theatre C/MS Teams room 1
ULAB Annual General Meeting
Come along to ULAB’s AGM where we will be electing next year’s committee as well as the location of next year’s conference. Anyone with a conference ticket is eligible to vote and run so please come along and help us make ULAB history! - –The Mosque Kitchen
ULAB Conference Dinner
Come along for a relaxed dinner to meet the ULAB committees and fellow attendees.